Friday, June 6, 2014

Join My Jamberry Nails Team!

I've been with Jamberry Nails for a little over a month now and I love it more each and every day.  I am so excited to be a part of a company that allows me to work from home, party for a living and pays me in cute manis and pedis (and money, of course!).

My business is really beginning to take off and I am looking for a few great ladies to join my team.  You will not regret it!  For only $99 your starter kit comes with 3 sheets of your choice and one surprise sheet of Jamberry nail wraps, 250 samples, an application kit with loads of extras, a Jamberry heater (the!), cuticle oil, marketing materials and 3 months of your own website!  The starter kit alone is well-worth the purchase price!  Then, you add to it your 30% discount (commission) and the deal gets much sweeter!  Jamberry nail wraps are already affordable, but when you knock 30% off the purchase price, you would be loco to keep truckin' it to the salon!

If you are interested in making money as a Jamberry Nails Independent Consultant, let's chat!  I've already made over triple my money back and it has been just over a month.  That does not include all of the FREE Jamberry products I have received.  I have enough Jams to have cute nails for ages!  Woot!

 Join my Jamberry Nails team!

<3 Amber

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Jamberry Nails!

Well, hey there! It's been a while! :) 

The Ginger Crunch Momma has recently become an Independent Consultant for Jamberry Nails. In short, I am loving it!!! I adore the product, love the flexibility and have made triple my money back in my very first month!!!

What is this Jamberry I speak of? Amazing vinyl nail wraps available in 300+ styles that last for 2 weeks on hands and 4-6 weeks on toes. For $15/sheet you can get 2 full manis AND 2 full pedis! You aren't getting that bargain anywhere else! 
Jamberry nail wraps are also available in a Juniors size for girls ages 8 and under. My 4 year old LOVES her Jamberry nails and I love not having to paint her nails every other day. 
Oh, and I love that they don't have all of the nasty chemicals that regular polish does. Especially for my little thumb sucker! 

Although my Jamberry nails would last longer, I tend to switch mine out right around the one week mark. They are just too cute not to! 
Adorbs, huh? 

For more information on Jamberry Nails or to schedule and easy peasy online party or to join my team, email me at: 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


It's 1am. 

Both kids are asleep. 

And, I am awakened by a nasty tummy grumble. 

I grumble back at it and then slink out of bed. 

I don't want to wake the kid up.

Yes, she is in my bed. 

I make it to the bathroom using my cell phone as a flashlight. 

I don't dare turn the light in for fear of awakening big sister. 

I sit. 


I must be delirious. Everyone is asleep. She IS asleep, right?


No. She woke up. How? I was so quiet. Crap. 

I reply... 'Momma's just going potty. I'll be right back. '

'But, but, but... I have to pee.'

Double crap. Luckily, I haven't (ahem) started. So, I get up off the toilet and let her in. 

After the kid handles her business and I give her another goodnight kiss (all while pinching my cheeks), I plop back down on the toilet. 


I give it a few seconds. 

Where is the poop?




Is that the little? 


I must be losing my mind. 

The urge to poop begins to return. 


Ermahgerd! It IS the little. 

I try to poop. Nothing. 

I try some more... 


I leave the bathroom to feed and rock the little to sleep. 



She falls asleep. 

I put her back in her bed. 

The cat greets me in the hallway. 

She meows. 

It is not a happy meow. 

Three kibbles are missing from her bowl. 

She is displeased. 

I am displeased. 

I go back to the bathroom. 

C'mon, poop!


No poop. Awesome. 

I decide to go back to bed. 

Of course, the big kid has spread her little body clear across the Queen size bed. 

I nudge her. 

No response. 

I lift her dead weight and return her to 'her side' of the bed. 

I climb in. 

She death rolls into me. 

I have exactly 6 inches of mattress. 

Somehow, I position my body to fit in those 6 inches. 

I guess I am comfortable. 

Then comes the knee in the back. I knew something was missing. 


Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I am making it official.  If I write it here, then I MUST stick with it, right?

Starting today, I am tackling this 30 day squat challenge.  I mentioned it back in January and promptly forgot about it.  It just showed up on my newsfeed again so I hopped to it, did 50 squats and printed out the official 'challenge.'

Day 1 down, 29 to go...


Friday, February 7, 2014

Even MORE donations!

Just as hubby was getting ready to head out the door, the doorbell rang. Mailman. Hubby turned to me and asked, 'What did you order?'

Oh boy... I can't think of anything. Well, nothing that should arrive today. What could it be?

I was blown away to see that it was two boxes jam packed full of Share the Love donations from a fellow host. 

I am so thankful!

Now, to find someone nearby to help me nurse these diapers back to 'health.'

Many need elastics replaced. I am not too handy with a needle and thread. I do hope to take some classes at Joann in the near future but until then I am pretty helpless. 

If anyone knows of someone in the Philadelphia area that would be willing to donate their time in helping me repair these diapers, please send they my way. 



Since my little has recently begun solids, it was time to rethink my poop game plan. While breastmilk poo is water soluble, once you add solids to the mix, you need to rid the poo from the diapers before washing them. 

I am not ashamed to admit that I am a little lazy when it comes to diapering. And, I'd rather not splash poop in my eyes with a diaper sprayer. So, I took a little trip to Joann Fabric and scored a yard of awesome tie dye microfleece. 

Pretty, isn't it? Not that it really matters since it is essentially a poop catcher. :)

I used a large microfiber insert as my guide and cut the pre-washed microfleece into liners. I used chalk to outline. 

The yard of microfleece ended up providing me 30 reusable liners. 

I simply washed the liners before use and began lining the little's diapers with them at every change. They are super soft and work perfectly to protect the diapers from gunked on, stinky solids poo. The poo tends to roll right off the liner and straight into the toilet. As an added bonus, they can be used as a protective barrier for non-cloth diaper friendly creams. Oh, and they help baby feel dry longer!

$8 well spent! 

Weight Watchers: Week Five

Week five at Weight Watchers and this momma is down another 1lb! Woot woot!

I was pleasantly surprised as I went a little overboard on Super Bowl Sunday. I quickly got right back on track and ended the week with a loss! Yay! :)

Total weight loss - 7.6lbs

Next goal - 10lbs

Only 2.4lbs to go!!! Whee!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Weight Watchers: Week Four

Another week, another 2lbs bites the dust!



6.6lbs total lost since joining Weight Watchers!

It's time for this momma to reward herself with a Lush bath bomb! 


Next goal - 10lbs

Reward - I'm thinking a new 'do'! A color and a cut. Yay! 


Thursday, January 30, 2014

More donations

I am so grateful! 

I have received some VERY generous donations for my 'Share the Love' location. 

This first one is straight from Cotton Babies. 

50 Flips covers. 



I also received this donation from a local momma. 

6 contour diapers
1 Kawaii pocket 
1 newborn Kissaluvs 
1 microfiber insert
A couple diaper pins and some CD friendly cream. 

So awesome! Thank you!

With a few more donations, I will be able to approve my first application. 



If you have any cloth diapering related items you would like to donate, please let me know. 

I have an immediate need for:
Fitted diapers
Contour diapers
Flat diapers
100% cotton receiving blankets
Flour sack towels

Flour sack towels are probably the EASIEST to find and the CHEAPEST option. You can get them for $1/each at Target or Walmart. 

Any help is much appreciated! :)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

2nd Avenue

Today we visited one of my favorite thrift stores, 2nd Avenue Value Store at Franklin Mills mall. Every Sunday and Monday they have a sale on certain colored tags. Today, it was orange, green and yellow. 

I scoured the store for goodies with orange, yeIlow and green tags. I added item after item to my shopping cart. Orange. Yellow. Green. Oh, the beauty of a good bargain. 

All and all, it was a good run. I scored 5 dresses and 2 skirts for big sister. Little sister scored a pair of overalls, 3 outfits, 2 pairs of booties and some super soft fuzzy socks. All new or gently used.  


Momma likey. 


Lookie, lookie what just arrived in my mailbox!

Binky Ds!


But, these Binkys are not for my baby.

They are a super generous donation for my 'Share the Love' site from a wonderful momma in the UK!

Yes, she shipped these diapers from the UK!

I am so grateful!


Speaking of donations, I have an applicant needing diapers for 3 babies.  She is currently choosing between diapering her kiddos and putting food on the table.  Please, please consider making a cloth diaper donation to help out this needy momma.  

I can gladly accept:
Prefold diapers
Pocket diapers
AIO diapers
AI2 diapers
Fitted/hybrid fitted diapers
PUL covers
Wool covers (or shorties/longies)
Fleece covers (or shorties/longies)
Flat diapers
Inserts (synthetic or natural)
Flannel receiving blankets
Baby washcloths
Microfiber towels
Flour sack towels
Old t-shirts
Flannel shirts/PJ pants
Diaper pins
Or, any other cloth diapering related items.

Any donation would be much appreciated and would help a needy family.  

I cannot accept cash donations.  I am happy to point you in the right direction to score any of these items for donation.  Items can be new or used.  

Thrift store finds are awesome!

If you are local to the Philadelphia area and are able to help out in any possible way, please let me know.  I can certainly use all the help I can get to get the ball rolling on this host site.

Please contact me for more information.

Weight Watchers: Week Three

I am super late getting to this post because I really don't have much to report this week...

Weight loss this week:  0
Total weight loss:  4.6lbs

I'm okay with that.  No loss means no gain.  I'm still nursing the little so I know my body isn't wanting to let go of this extra weight without a fight.

Fingers crossed that I meet my first goal, -5lbs, next week.

5lbs lost means momma gets a Lush bath bomb!  Woot!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Yesterday, I decided to help myself to some baby carrots. Noticing the abundance of veggies in my produce drawer, I decided to get started on my baby food making. 

I took said carrots and steamed them until soft. 

I then transferred them to my magic bullet and added roughly 3oz of breastmilk (or formula) to them to form the consistency I was looking for. 

Within a minute, we had baby food! So easy peasy!

I took an ice cube tray and distributed the puréed carrots into each of the sections. 

There was a little bit left, so I decided to take the plunge and give them to the little. 

Big sister helped. 

Overall, they were a hit! 

And, we have plenty put up for later. :) 


Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Grand Finale

Alas, the Grand Finale of my epic fluff mail week... 

Three beautiful Snappy Greens hybrid fitteds. Unicorns and dinosaurs and elephants... Oh my!  

Love! <3

30 day challenge

For the next 30 days, I am putting myself up to this challenge...

I'm pretty excited to see the results! :) 

Must buy all the Windpro!

You may remember this photo from last night...

Well, I am still in shock but that thing was none stankin' dry this morning. On the outside, that is. The diaper itself weighs a ton! I can't believe it! We have found the solution for our night time super soaker. 

Now, momma must...

Yay Binky D Windpro!!! :) 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Binky mail - take two

Months ago, I placed a co-op order for a couple Binky D diapers. Today, they arrived in my mailbox. 


Heartstache went on the babe immediately! 

And, a few short minutes later... She pooped in it. 

Isn't that how it always seems to go with new cloth diapers? 

The red diaper is a Windpro. Supposedly bullet proof for overnight use. 

We will just see about that. This kid is a pisser. 


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Weight Watchers: Week Two

Another week, another 2.2lbs gone!!!

I am so excited and somewhat shocked!  I dove into quite a few of my weekly points this week with some splurges and still managed an awesome loss!  I was so nervous getting on the scale especially after having sushi for lunch with the hubby yesterday.  My rings are noticeably tighter than usual probably from soy sauce induced water retention.

In any case, the numbers are going down and I am one happy momma!

.4lb away from my first goal, 5lbs!  I hope to achieve that next week and enjoy my Lush bath bomb reward!  I've never used one but I hear they are quite divine!

I better keep this one short and sweet.  My little nursling is itching to eat and go down for her nap.

There is an abs and squats challenge I am starting today.  I'll post the info shortly.  Time to get this booty in shape!


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Binky mail!

This is the fluff mail that forced me to download the USPS app so I could easily track its squishiness until it arrived at my front door. It departed Orlando, FL with no further updates for three long days! Three days!!! 

Sigh. It's so pretty. 

Some info about this diaper... It is a hybrid fitted made by a highly sought after WAHM at Binky D diapers, Ashley Pavlic. I first heard of Binky D Diapers through a co-op. I joined the BST (buy, sell, trade) page and dove right in. The mommas that participate on that page are rather awesome. Some buying. Some selling. Some trading. Some chatting. All speak very highly of Ashley and rave about the product she offers. 

Scoring a Binky D is no easy task. The hyenacart shop is stocked Every Sunday at 5pm. Mommas recruit help by lending out there login information to increase their odds of scoring a diaper. They sell out in seconds. Then, there is always a chance of an oversell. A hyena cart glitch that allows more than one shopper to check out with a diaper. Oversells are rare but they do happen. Other times, the traffic caused by stocking causes hyenacart to totally crash. It's pretty intense. 

In addition to Sunday stockings, Ashley opens the occasional group. Groups are pretty random. Ashley may or may not give a heads up as to when the shop will be stocked so you have to keep on top of it. That is how I scored this pretty. Luckily, two mommas were nice enough to help me get it. I am not near fast enough to score. 

All OS Binky D diapers come with FDR (fold down rise). 

FDR makes it much easier to get a snug fit on an itty bitty. It also provides a much cleaner look than SDR (snap down rise), in my opinion. 

Let's look inside... 

Each Binky has two snap in snake style soakers. 

If you are not using the FDR and need more absorbency towards the front, you can snap a soaker into the FDR for added protection. 

Getting your Binky on the bum is easy peasy. Put baby on Binky. Adjust soakers.

Pull diaper up over the soakers. For smaller babies, fold the excess. 

Snap the hip snaps with a snug fit on the thighs. 

Then, just snap her on up! 

Lastly, try to contain your baby's excitement. 

Little miss has been rocking her Binky D for about two hours with no signs of wetting through. That's pretty good for us because this kid is a rather exquisite pisser.