Sunday, January 5, 2014


My milk supply is just barely enough to feed the babe on most days. There have been times that the wee miss needed a nice, warm bottle of formula to fill her tummy. Not a huge deal, but my preference would be to EBF. It's easier for me, less planning and no bottle washing.

I tried drinking more water. My supply remained the same. 

I tried increasing my calories. No change. 

Tried pumping. Nada. 

In a desperate attempt to lighten my diaper bag load and perhaps put some of my nifty milk storage bags to good use, I tried the supplement fenugreek. 

Honestly, I sucked at taking it for the first week or so never really being able to fully commit to taking the recommended 3 capsules, 3x/day. My MIL was here and it was crazy busy over Christmas so I just kept forgetting about it. I didn't see any change. 

I decided to get on the ball with my more milk mission. I took the supplement religiously. Morning, mid day, night. Three capsules each time. Nine capsules/day. 

Did it work?


It did, however, succeed in making my baby a crying, whining, miserable mess for two damn days. 48 hours of screaming. 48 fucking hours of constant shushing, swaying, nursing, refusing to be out down, patting, walking, holding a baby on my lap while I take a dump...

I nearly lost my mind. 



We are now fenugreek free. 

My baby is normal again. 

Her poor, little belly is not churning. 

She is not spitting up. 

She is smiling. 

Well, not right now... 

Right now, she sleeps. <3

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