Monday, December 16, 2013

Share The Love

Exciting news!

This momma was just approved as a Cotton Babies 'Share The Love' host. 

What does that mean?

I will be collecting used (or new!) cloth diapers and accessories to donate to families in need. 

I am so excited to help families save money (and the environment!) by using resusable cloth diapers instead of 'sposies. 

If you have any diapers you would like to donate to this cause, I am happy to take them off your hands! 

Please feel free to share my contact information with friends and family that may have interest. 

For more information visit


Friday, December 13, 2013

*GIVEAWAY* Alva Newborn Cloth Diaper

Howdy, folks!  Check out this giveaway on a friend's blog!

It has low entries so your chances are high!  Go!  :)


I may or may not be stalking my mailbox right now. 

Okay, I totally am!

I an expecting super epic fluff. 

A Snappy Greens hybrid fitted...

And, a bumGenius Freetime in the Albert print. 

The Snappy Greens was a DOTD impulse buy. Scrolling thru my newsfeed on Monday I stumbled upon its cuteness and just could not resist!  I am determined to add some more hybrid fitteds to my stash. We only have one other, so far. A vintage Binky D.  

Hybrid fitteds are great because they are super absorbent while allowing air to get to your baby's bum.  While not completely waterproof, they last 2-3 hours on the tush without soaking through. 

The bumGenius was part of a seconds sale on It's coming home to momma for a measly $13. Score!!!  They generally go for $22. 

The Freetime is a OS AIO diaper. For those of you new to cloth diapering lingo, that is one size all in one.  I think it will be a perfect 'daddy diaper' but was reluctant to buy more than one until I see how it works for us. 

I was hoping my mailman would arrive mid-post, but he has not. Maybe if I take a break from stalking to shower, the fluff will magically appear in my mailbox. 

I will double check the box just in case USPS snuck it in there and I some how, some way missed it. Highly unlikely. 

Stay tuned for photos!!! 


*GIVEAWAY* Lulu Bananas Gourmet Marshmallows

Get on it, folks!  Enter to win some gourmet marshmallows!  Nom!  :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


It's snowing today. 

Ginger baby refuses to wake up. She is just nursing and sleeping. Sleeping and nursing. 

Stop the happy dance. 

School is closed. 

Big sister is up and at 'em. She does not play the sleeping in, sweet snuggles in bed game. 

I have two choices. 

Stay in bed with the itty bitty and enjoy the relaxation and cuddles while big sister tears through the house leaving not a single toy in its place. No sticker left unstuck. No marker left unmarked. And, then there's the possibility she may get into the paint. Or, worse yet... Play doh. 

For the love of not picking wads of Play doh out of carpet, I will opt for my second option of waking sweet baby-never-sleeps and ensuring myself a day of misery dealing with the consequences. 

But, hey... At least I don't have to run to the market for diapers like another momma I saw on my newsfeed. 

Cat food is another story. 


Thursday, December 5, 2013


We had the girls' Christmas portraits done yesterday. I am still recovering. 

Things were going all too smoothly for this family. Hubby let me sleep in late. Baby Ginger Crunch slept past nine, including a 6.5 hour stretch. We were out the door on time. Yes, 20 minutes late is now on time in my book. We ran a few errands and were so efficient we made up for the 20 minutes we were behind. 

Smiling from ear to ear, I walked into Ginger Lou's school to get her out early. She was happy to see me and I was happy to see her. As she grew closer, my smile began to fade back into my usual BRF (bitchy resting face). What is that? Her hair... Oh my! What is wrong here?

What happened to your hair?

(Blank stare)

It's a little... Greasy. 

(Blank stare)

Did you put something in it?

(Blank stare)

When all else fails, smell it... Aha!

Did you put coconut oil in your hair?

Uhmm... Yeah...



And, more importantly, why did my husband not wake my ass up so I could have fixed it this morning? 

After consulting my trusty MILFs on Facebook, I quickly grabbed some baby powder. And, some detangler and Frizz Ease mousse for good measure. We piled into the elevator and hauled ass over to the Target portrait studio. It was madness. People everywhere!

I could not decide on outfits, so we had a Target cart full of options. Dresses, pajamas, nightgowns, shoes, Santa hats, headbands... We opted to do their Christmas dresses first. Lucily, the portrait studio was running slightly behind schedule. Daddy took the big kid, I took the little. Bad choice. The little had a loaded diaper. Loaded. Fun. After a good wipe down, both girls were ready to go. 

We piled into the smallest room ever. I was asked if my 4 year old was able to support my 2 month old. Uhmm... We can try. And try we did. Try. Try. Try. The big kid is a diva. She loved it. The bitty was not amused. She wasn't miserable but she made us work our asses off just to look at us like we were looney. 

It was chaos. Put on the hat. Take off the hat. Here's a headband. Let me fluff your hair. Smile nice. No, not crazy. Nice. With teeth. Too much teeth. Say poop. The baby likes when you say poop. Hold her head. Hold her HEAD! Is there something I can put her in? Give me a toy. Poop, poop, poop. Ahhhchooo! Chin up. Not that far. Put it down a little. Too far. Look like this. No, not like that... 

Thankfully, I told the photographer exactly what we wanted before we started and despite the fact that I was losing it, she held it together. By the time we were done, it looked like Christmas had exploded in the studio. 

Then, comes choosing the prints. Oy vey! What a nightmare. My kids are just so damn cute, how can a momma choose? Well, Itcwas tough but we did it! We recharged with popcorn and a sugar cookie from the cafe and were home in time for dinner. Whew! 

Our appointment was at 1:30pm. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Go to bed!


Why the fuck is my kid still awake?

I put her to bed at 8:30. It went surprisingly well. 

9:15 I thought I heard something in the hallway. Then, nothing. 

Toilet flush at 9:30. Water running... Asked her if she was okay. 


She proceeds to come in the kitchen and tell me she is hungry. 

Get out of here! 

She cries, insisting she is hungry. 

I ask her what she wants. 


Ummm, no. 



I tell her to go to bed. 

But, she is hungryyy!!! 

What does she want? 

Fruit snacks. 

Uh, no. 




I told her to grab some carrots. 

She asks how many. 

I don't care! I say 4. 

She stands in the kitchen with the carrots. 

I tell her to sit. 

She sits and takes 11 minutes to eat 4 baby carrots. 

That is with encouragement. 11 minutes!!! 

I tell her goodnight. 

She gives me a kiss with a big smile on her face for she has won again. 
